Friday, May 22, 2020

Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Hablar

Hablar, meaning to speak, is often one of the first verbs that Spanish students learn to conjugate, and for good reason: It is a regular verb ending in -ar, meaning that most other verbs ending in -ar, the most common verb type, are conjugated the same way. Conjugation is simply the process of changing a verb to reflect  its application, such as to indicate its tense or mood. We conjugate verbs in English, such as by using forms such as speak, spoke, speaks and spoken. But in Spanish its much more complicated, since most verbs have at least 50 conjugated simple forms, compared with a handful in English. Below are the most important conjugated forms of hablar: Present Indicative of Hablar The present form of the verb hablar means that the verb is expressing an action that is happening now or is current. Indicative means the verb is a statement of fact. In Spanish, this is called the presente del indicativo. An example is, He speaks Spanish, or  Ãƒâ€°l habla espaà ±ol. In English, the present indicative form of hablar is speak, speaks or am/is/are speaking. Person/Number Verb Change Yo (I) Hablo T (you) Hablas Usted, l, ella (he, she, it) Habla Nosotros (we) Hablamos Vosotros (you) Hablis Ustedes, ellos, ellas (they) Hablan Preterite Indicative of Hablar The preterite indicative form is used for past actions that are completed. In Spanish, this is called the  pretà ©rito. For example, No one spoke, is translated to  Nadie hablà ³.  In English, the preterite indicative form of hablar is spoke. Person/Number Verb Change Yo (I) Habl T (you) Hablaste Usted, l, ella (he, she, it) Habl Nosotros (we) Hablamos Vosotros (you) Hablasteis Ustedes, ellos, ellas (they) Hablaron Imperfect Indicative of Hablar The imperfect indicative form, or imperfecto del indicativo,  is used to talk about a past action or state of being without specifying when it began or ended. It is often equivalent to was speaking in English. As an example, I was speaking slowly is translated to  Yo hablaba lentamente. In English, the imperfect indicative form of hablar is was speaking. Person/Number Verb Change Yo (I) Hablaba T (you) Hablabas Usted, l, ella (he, she, it) Hablaba Nosotros (we) Hablbamos Vosotros (you) Hablais Ustedes, ellos, ellas (they) Hablaban Future Indicative of Hablar The future indicative form, or futuro del indicativo in Spanish, is used to tell what will or shall happen.   It means will speak in English. For example,  Hablarà © contigo maà ±ana,  means I will speak with you tomorrow. Person/Number Verb Change Yo (I) Hablar T (you) Hablars Usted, l, ella (he, she, it) Hablar Nosotros (we) Hablaremos Vosotros (you) Hablaris Ustedes, ellos, ellas (they) Hablarn Conditional Indicative of Hablar The conditional  form, or el condicional,  is used to express probability, possibility, wonder or conjecture, and is usually translated into English as would, could, must have or probably. For example, Would you speak English in Spain, would translate to  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Ã‚ ¿Hablarà ­as  inglà ©s en Espaà ±a? Person/Number Verb Change Yo (I) Hablara T (you) Hablaras Usted, l, ella (he, she, it) Hablara Nosotros (we) Hablaramos Vosotros (you) Hablarais Ustedes, ellos, ellas (they) Hablaran Present Subjunctive Form of Hablar The present subjunctive, or presente subjuntivo,  functions much like the  present indicative  timewise, except it deals with mood and is used in situations of doubt, desire, or emotion and is generally  subjective. For example, I want you to speak Spanish, would be said, Yo quiero  que usted hable  espaà ±ol. Person/Number Verb Change Que Yo (I) Hable Que T (you) Hables Que Usted, l, ella (he, she, it) Hable Que Nosotros (we) Hablemos Que Vosotros (you) Hablis Que Ustedes, ellos, ellas (they) Hablen Imperfect Subjunctive of Hablar The imperfect subjunctive, or  imperfecto del subjuntivo, is used as a clause describing something in the past and is used in situations of doubt, desire, emotion and is generally  subjective. You also use que with the pronoun and verb. For example, Did you want me to talk about the book? which translates to,  Ã‚ ¿Querà ­a usted que yo  hablara  del libro?   Person/Number Verb Change Que Yo (I) Hablara Que T (you) Hablaras Que Usted, l, ella (he, she, it) Hablara Que Nosotros (we) Hablramos Que Vosotros (you) Hablarais Que Ustedes, ellos, ellas (they) Hablaran Imperative Form of Hablar The imperative, or imperativo in Spanish, is used to give commands or orders. Since a person orders others, the first person is not used. For example, (You) Speak more slowly, translates to  Habla mà ¡s lentamente. Person/Number Verb Change Yo (I) -- T (you) Habla Usted, l, ella (he, she, it) Hable Nosotros (we) Hablemos Vosotros (you) Hablad Ustedes, ellos, ellas (they) Hablen Gerund of Hablar The gerund, or gerundio in Spanish,  refers to the  -ing  form of the verb, but in Spanish the gerund behaves more like an adverb. To form the gerund, like in English, all words take on the same ending, in this case, the ing becomes  -ando. The -ar verb,  hablar, becomes hablando.  The active verb in the sentence is the verb that conjugates or changes. The gerund stays the same no matter how the subject and verb changes. For example, She is talking, translates to, Ella esta hablando. Or, if talking in the past tense, She was the person who was talking, would translate to, Ella era la persona que estaba hablando. Past Participle of Hablar The past participle corresponds to the English  -en  or  -ed  form of the verb. It is created by dropping the -ar and adding -ado. The verb, hablar, become hablado. For example, I have spoken, translates to  Ha hablado.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Vietnam War Was A Brutal Conflict - 1666 Words

The Vietnam War was a brutal internal conflict between North and South Vietnam over the North s attempt to spread communism. Taking place between 1961 and 1975, it became America s second longest war. This battle destroyed countless villages, farmlands, forests, and neighboring countries of Vietnam. It took the lives of about two million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians, and over fifty-eight thousand American soldiers. In an effort to cease the spread of communism, many American troops were sent over by President John F. Kennedy to aid the South Vietnamese army. The U.S. provided South Vietnam and neighboring Southeast Asian countries with military supplies, combat troops, and economic aid. The controversy of U.S. participation in†¦show more content†¦This war was becoming less about Vietnam, and more about American honor. Consequently, time and lives were being taken away because America wanted to do the right thing. During this era, drafting was crucial. A total of 648,500 of men were drafted into the Vietnam War. Most soldiers who were drafted came from unwealthy, working-class families and only had a high school education. According to Christian Appy in Working-Class War, most of the Americans who fought in Vietnam were powerless, working-class teenagers sent to fight an undeclared war by presidents for whom they were not even eligible to vote (Draft). Their opportunities to improve themselves and their lifestyles were thrown out the window because of the draft. Families struggled emotionally as their loved ones were being taken away from them. They were sending their husbands, sons, and brothers to fight for a war that was not theirs to fight. It was said that the South Vietnamese army was not effective as U.S. troops. Veteran Lieutenant Federick Downs Jr. stated, He had faith that his country could win the war, but he found the South Vietnamese army to be lazy and ineffective. Maybe the people in Nam are worth saving, but their army isn t worth shit, he wrote in his memoir (Roark 861). This made it harder for people to support the war. How could they send their men to help a country that could not help themselves? Even with the amount of aid provided by the States, there was still no progressShow MoreRelatedHow Do Foreign Affairs During Vietnam Justify Public Or Private Tactical Behavior?1633 Words   |  7 Pagesquestion: To what degree is torture valuable? How do foreign affairs in Vietnam justify public or private tactical behavior. T.S. Eliot: â€Å"There is no such thing as a Lost Cause, because there is no such thing as a Gained Cause.† Growth and power come paired with conflict and danger. The United States must use interrogation to ensure the safety of its citizens. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Assigment Free Essays

Individuals in the work field are legalizing that developing good skills helps in the workforce and many concepts of project management helps with everyday lives. Advantages: Better control of financial, physical, and human resources Improved customer relatives Shorter development times Lower costs and improved productivity Higher quality and increased reliability Higher profit margins Better internal coordination Positive impact on meeting strategic goals Higher worker morale What is a project and what are the main attributes? How is a project different from what most people do in their day-to-day jobs? What is the triple constraint? A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Projects are not operations. We will write a custom essay sample on Assigment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Projects end when objectives are reached or had been terminated. Attributes of a project are the following: A project has a unique purpose A project is temporary A project is developed using a progressive elaboration A project requires resources, often from various areas A project should have a primary customer or sponsor A project sponsor provides direction of funding the project A project involves uncertainty As stated above projects are temporary and every day operations is work one in organizations to sustain the business. Triple constraint means scope, time, and cost. Successful projects must consider these objectives. Some consider quadruple constraint because quality is a key factor too, so scope, time, cost and quality. What is project management? Briefly describe the project management framework, providing examples of stakeholders, knowledge areas, tools and techniques, and project success factors. Project management is â€Å"the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. † Elements of ramekin are stakeholders- people involved in or affected by project activities and include project sponsor, project team, support staff, customers, users, supplies and opponents of project. Knowledge areas managers must develop. For core knowledge areas are project scope, time, cost, and quality management. These lead to specific project objectives. Project management tools and techniques assist managers and their teams in carrying out work in all nine knowledge areas: Knowledge- Integration Management- tools- project management software, change request, lesson earned reports, Scope Management- scope statements, work breakdown structures, requirement analysis, Time Management- Gaunt charts, Cost Management- net present value, return investment, payback analysis, earned value management, project portfolio, cost estimates, cost management plans, cost baselines, Quality Management, quality metrics, checklist quality control charts, diagrams, fish bone diagrams, maturity models, statistical methods, Human Resources Management, motivation techniques, emphasize listening, responsibility assignment, matrices, project organizational charts, resources castigator, team building exercises, Communication Management, kick off meetings, progress reports, Risk Management, risk management plans risk registers, probability, impact matrices, risk rankings, Procurement Management, make or buy analyses, contracts, requests for proposals or quotes, source elections, supplier evaluation matrices. Project Success Factors: The project met scope, time, and cost goals The project satisfied the customer or sponsor The results of project met its main objective, such as making or saving a certain amount of money providing a good return investment or making the pompons happy. What is a program? What is a project portfolio? Discuss relationships between projects, programs, and portfolio management and contributions they each make to enterprise success. Program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Infrastructure Application Development User Support Portfolio Management is organizations group and manages projects programs as portfolio investments. Program managers coordinate the efforts of project teams, functional groups, suppliers, and operations staff purporting projects to ensure that project products and processes are implemented to maximize benefits. Also responsible for not only delivery of projects but they are change agents. Responsible for success of products and processes produced these projects. Portfolio managers help organization make Wise investments decisions by helping to select and analyze projects from strategic perspective. Important principles make sure your projects are driven by strategy and engage stake holders. Portfolio management allows viewing and managing all projects at the enterprise level. These can be Rosen down into categories venture, growth and core of IT projects. Many organizations use specialized software Enterprise or portfolio to organize and analyze all types of projects data into project portfolio. What is the role of project manager? What are suggested skills for all project managers? Why is leadership so important for information technology project managers? Project managers can have different job descriptions which can vary from industry to organization but all they all have similar tasks. Skills for project managers are the following: The project management Body of Knowledge Application area of knowledge, standards and regulations Project environment knowledge General management knowledge and skills Soft skills or human relation skills Very important for IT project managers must be willing to develop more than their technical skills to be productive team members and successful project managers. â€Å"Leaders determine vision and managers achieve the vision. † â€Å"You lead people and manage things. † Ten key trades: People skills Leadership Listening Integrity, ethical behavior, consistent Strong at building trust Verbal communication Strong at building teams Conflict resolution Conflict management Critical thinking problem solving Understand, balances priorities Careers for information technology project managers are in demand. Although the new approach will be populated with versatility those with technical backgrounds will also need to know business sector inside and out. The IT project manager will need to architect and carry out IT plans that will add business value and can cultivate relationships both inside and outside company. IT executives listed the skills predicted would be most in demand in the next two five years. Project program management come first, followed by business process management, business analyst and application development. Briefly describe some key events in history of project management. What roles do the Project management Institute and other professional societies play in helping the profession? 191 7 Henry Gaunt developed famous Gaunt charts for scheduling work for factories. Now used for displaying project schedule information by listing project activities ad there corresponding start and finish date. Now used with the aid of computers. Military key holders for refining several project management techniques as well as critical path which are the longest path through a network diagram that determines the earliest completion of a project. Manhattan project key to modern project management. PM was founded in 1969. A large percent of members work in information technology field and because there are so many people working on projects in various industries, PM has created GIGS. Specific Interest Groups that enable members to share ideas about project management in particular application areas and other societies are available on PM website. They also offer certifications that continue to rise to higher demand. For a project manager or student it is important for a person to become member. What functions can you perform with project management software? What are some popular names Of low-end, mid-range, and high-end project management tools? How to cite Assigment, Papers